Monday, March 15, 2010

Gendercide- The War on Baby Girls

I'm not sure how I feel about this story as my first official post. I read this article in The Economist last night and I cannot stop thinking about it. Kristen and I, and many of our friends, have taken tests, visited doctors, fasted, prayed, spent thousands of dollars on infertility treatment and anything else we could to have kids. We were thrilled to have kids- whatever gender.

I'm ashamed and embarrassed that I was ignorant to this. I had heard about China's 'one child rule', but I never took the time to think about what that meant. This story is heartbreaking and, to me, illustrates how evil and desensitized humankind can be. I believe gender is eternal and divine. This article is so sad on so many levels- the aborted and neglected children, the long-term effects on the parents, the long-term effects on society.


LauraS said...

Like you, had heard about the one child rule, but never really thought about the consequences of that. How horrifying.....

susan bunker said...

what a sad reality. what would we do without our little girls?

michelle said...

Mike I was so glad to see youhave entered into the blog world. I will be excited to see you post stuff. I don't blog but I love to read what my family has to say. So way to go and Brent and I love your family.